Unitalen Defended Client against “Magnetic levitation” Patent Infringement Suit “Maglev (Magnetic levitation)” is a technology that uses magnetic force against gravity to levitate objects. As known, there are 3 kinds of “maglev” technologies: one is the “routine conductive maglev” led by Germany, the second is “superconductive maglev” led by Japan, both of which require electricity power t...December 16, 2016
Unitalen Helped Chinese Dairy Company Win a 12-year Battle against Trademark Squatter The plaintiff, Henan Hua Hua Niu Group, is the right holder of series marks “Hua Hua Niu in Chinese and logo” registered under Nos. 1185340, 1199434, 3234059 and 3234689 in Class 29 (cited marks). The group is the largest dairy products manufacturers in Henan province, and their product series banded with “Hua Hua Niu (in Chinese)” ta...September 7, 2016